What Attracts A Capricorn Man (Featuring 7 Secret Tips)

So, what attracts a Capricorn man typically?

This guy is composed, patient, and ambitious.

When he has his eyes on someone, he will come up with scientifically strategic plans and take proper steps to win the heart of that person. If you want this guy to chase after you, then you have to be special.

Are you on your way to court him? What kind of woman he usually looks for?

Knowing what attracts a Capricorn man will help you gain a clear and in-depth sight as well as better understanding about him. If you?re trying to get him yours like forever, don?t miss the ideas in this article!

7 Qualities of a Woman Capricorn Male Likes a Lot

things capricorn man likes in a woman

Between the shy and the outgoing, which type of woman he is more into?

As Capricorn men expect only the best, here are some prominent qualities that this guy usually looks for in a lady:

1. Be elegant and independent

He finds himself get attracted to the female who is independent and knows exactly what she wants. To him, a determined gal is always eye-catching, especially when she?s capable of accomplishing her goals without asking for support.

It?s not that he doesn?t want to help; however, he enjoys watching you doing things on your own which makes you sexier.

Be elegant and know what you are talking about when having conversations with the Capricorn man. It?s not that you can bicker with him anytime and anywhere ? only say things you really mean it.

He?s an intellect, so try to impress him by showing how well-educated you are in certain topics; in addition, bring up your wit with no sense of arrogance and cockiness during the talk, and you can gain his attention easily.

2. Keep you looking your best

Whether you plan to go out or just stay at home, make sure you look your best in any situation. Capricorn is known for his tidiness, so he expects his woman to be as clean and neat as he always is.

Take care of your look, like brushing and wearing your hair up if it sweats, giving your nails manicured, and ironing your clothes to avoid wrinkles. In general, you have to look like you could step outside and see anybody at any moment.

No pajama pants during the period courting a Capricorn man except when you?re going to bed. Try to dress nice for the possibility of him showing up out of the blue in front of your house and inviting you to go else where.

3. Be reliable

If you want to attract the Capricorn male and get him to fall for you, then keep in mind that reliability is the key.

He tends to search for the woman whom he can completely rely on, especially when he?s under difficult circumstances. Your Capricorn is an ambitious guy, so he?ll appreciate a lot if you are always there for him and give encouragement to his goals.

At the same time, you must be able to stand on your own and work towards your ultimate dreams.

What can be more wonderful than having a supportive lady waiting for him at home after a long day working hard? The fact that you always have his back really boosts his security and brings him satisfaction.

In a relationship, all he needs is stability!

Are you one of signs that Capricorn likely gets married in the future?

4. Take pride in yourself

If you?re a timid person, then Capricorn man is not your perfect match. He?s instead more interested in women who have confidence in themselves but doesn?t cross the arrogant borderline. As mentioned earlier, he feels impressed to the lady well aware of what she is doing.

Being confident doesn?t mean you can go around bragging or embarrassing others? face. The advocate for justice like him cannot accept that ? if you want to capture his heart, then always be ready to help miserable people in tough situations.

He spares no room for selfish gals. No matter how good you are, stay selfless and humble since he appreciates the beauty inside.

Having a pride in yourself has no relation to looking down on someone!

5. Remain your high standards

When it comes to choosing a life partner, Capricorn men are prone to be drawn to those who have high standards as he does. Due to his zodiac sign, he has strong morals and expects to be with someone similar to him morally.

Don?t let him know that you care nothing much about people around you and demand much out of them. Otherwise, he will think of you as someone who also doesn?t care much about yourself.

Keep raising the bar of your standards and be confident and independent in almost everything you do or day.

A Capricorn doesn’t want others too see him as a doormat, and this is one of the qualities he demands and yearns for in the future relationship.

Click and find out when a Capricorn  man kisses you

6. Be his best friend

In order to get the Capricorn male to fall in love with you, it?s better to become with best friend at first. Taking love seriously, he never jumps into a relationship within a short period. This guy will only commit to the woman who willingly walks beside him through ups and downs.

He doesn?t want to get involved with someone bossy, needy, or clingy as he?s never the type of boyfriend telling you to have a life of your own.

Try to befriend him and make him feel more secure so that he can open up to you with ease. Be understanding to his changing moods and show great respect to your man rather than bossing him around. Moreover, lend him an ear and listen attentively whenever he has something to say.

  • When he?s having a hard time, console him.
  • If he shares his good times with you, merry and laugh with him.
  • If he?s confused in life, guide him.

7. Be family oriented

The woman whom Capricorn man is attracted the most must be someone putting high value on family. His family always comes first in the priority list; therefore, his future lover has to be a family-oriented person.

In short, you have to be a family lover.

He expects you to fully understand the importance of a family and its role in the personal stability and life balance. Simply show him your concern and sincere for family, and he can?t help but falling head over heels for you.

3 Tips on How to Keep a Capricorn Man

a glimpse into ways of keeping a capricorn man

1. You should be serious

No one can be happier than a Capricorn man in a committed relationship. One of his ultimate goals is to have a family of his own; hence, be sure you want to really spend your whole life besides him for a long haul.

Loyalty is the key in this relationship.

Please not that he dislikes having his boundaries tested. Never play any mind game with him as all he needs is being cuddle his loved one in a comfortable environment.

The Capricorn male in love looks for someone who displays their serious side, proves the loyalty to him, and share the life with him.

2. You should be supportive

Despite his rough exterior, Capricorn man is pretty insecure on the inside and finds it hard to reveal his inner emotions. That?s why he needs someone to give his ego a strong boost!

His ideal partner is a lady who can take a very well care of him as well as let him treat the same in return. Talking about the relationship with a Capricorn, you must deal with his insecurity ? gaining his trust and offering your support.

He needs a partner for life, so please be the shoulder for him to lean on!

3. You should give him space

He may love you a lot, but sometimes he does want his ?me? time. According to some astrology experts, Capricorn man is infamous for suddenly distancing himself from the partner. In most cases, the reason is not about you; indeed, it?s all about his desire to reflect.

From now on, don?t be surprised whenever you find him pull back or ignore you ? it?s probably because he wants to re-evaluate his thoughts and feelings about the relationship.

Giving him space is the best thing you can do for a Capricorn man pulling away.


Many find it difficult to captivate the heart of Capricorn man as he?s not the type easily opening up to anyone.

Hope the topic here offer you profound clarity about what attracts a Capricorn man. Knowing things he likes in a woman will surely give you an effortless time in chasing him and making him fall in love with you.

He?s calm on the outside yet insecurity deep inside; thus, you must be a great support in his life. Perhaps the most attractive person to this guy is someone who is confident and stays true to her own person.

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