How to Make a Sagittarius Man Obsessed with You? (10 Tips)

Each zodiac sign has its own perspective on love, so does Sagittarius.

How to make a Sagittarius man obsessed with you?

I believe that many women must be wondering about this matter. Honestly, I have to say that it’s hard to win the heart of Sagittarius men. Their personality is somehow unpredictable and complicated.

Making a Sagittarius fall hard for you takes a process.

But, no worry, you can do it with step-by-step guide suggested in the following.

Tips to Have the Heart of a Sagittarius Man

making sagittarius man obsessed with you

When it comes to looking for his other half, he is as picky as women, making him attractive and irresistible. However, if you can’t do anything to keep Sagittarius man interested in you, he will soon get bored.

Will you be able to capture a Sagittarius’ heart?

The tips below can help you!

See also: What is Sagittarius man weakness in love?

1. Be confident

Not only Sagittarius but almost all men are attracted to the confident demeanor from a woman. Having confidence helps Sagittarius view things in life positively. Therefore, he will fall head over heels if you have this quality.

An independent, strong woman who doesn’t mind about what others think or say is definitely the archer’s taste. He wants an independent partner who can take good care of herself.

This is what all guys are attracted to!

The first step to make him obsessed with you is to trust yourself.

2. Be mysterious

Never let a Sagittarius man read through your feelings and emotions.

Known as the "archer" of the zodiac, Sagittarius man likes challenging himself all the time, even when getting to know his love interest. So never be easy and show all of your facets to him.

The harder the chase is, the more interesting he feels.

But, don’t make it too difficult, or he will skip and move to another target. Just be comfortable around him, except flirting too much.

3. Give him the comfort

If you want to make a Sagittarius man obsessed with you, ask him to do things that he is good at, or feels confident and interested. Learn more about his habits and hobbies, and then approach him in the most comfortable way. Don’t force yourself to like what he likes; instead, just show your interest and excitement in learning together with him.

4. Compliment him

It sounds a bit flattery, but obvious not just Sagittarius man, all guys on earth love to be complimented, especially if that from the woman they love. They just don’t show it on the outside.

In case of the Sagittarius male, do not praise him for unreasonable things or without sincerity. When having a date with him, try complimenting his new hairstyle, outfit, or anything else you want to.

Read more: The love match of Leo and Sagittarius

5. Stand out from the crowd

To capture the attention of a Sagittarius man, you must stand out from other girls.

What type of woman do Sagittarius guys like?

She has to be independent and confident. Plus, he also wants his partner to be polite and different. Don’t follow the crowd – it will leave a deep impression in his mind. You don’t have to be extremely outstanding, but must have your own color that makes you stand out from other ladies surrounding him.

Whatever you are, you have to be the realest.

6. Be smart and active

Improve your communication skills to attract a Sagittarius man. Don’t be afraid to express your opinions about various topics. Be open-minded instead of confrontational and argumentative with this guy. Sagittarius impresses with your understanding, but too much difference can make him to run away.

7. Don’t mention other guys

Unexpectedly, Sagittarius is quite possessive.

Although he won’t make it obvious, this man is more sensitive than you think. If you keep talking about another guy while you two are flirting with each other or accidentally let Sagittarius man know that he has a rival, it will put your relationship into a quite risky situation.

The best way is to talk about no one but him or discuss other interesting topics.

8. Make deep talks when he’s alone

Sagittarius man seems to be flirtatious, but he is indeed shy when being along. As a free-spirited person, he feels like tortured if there’s no one around. Getting a Sagittarius to be obsessed with you at this moment is a wise move.

If you show up by chance when he is in need of help or looking for someone to talk to, you will win his whole heart.

9. Lead the conversation

You might think that the best way to make a Sagittarius man obsessed with you is to listen and follow what he says. This is absolutely wrong! To get him to fall hard in a relationship with you, it’s a must to show him your beliefs and ideals.

In other words, take the lead and start your convo, even if it makes him uncomfortable sometimes and causes conflicts between the two of you.

Show him that you’re not afraid to express your thoughts. When you are not around him, he will miss the boldness and intensity you’ve brought into his life, and soon he can’t help craving to have you by his side.

10. Impress his friends

You can also make a Sagittarius guy obsessed with you by impressing his friends. Don’t underestimate the power of his friendship. He likes to socialize and is the socially oriented type.

If you don’t hang out with a Sagittarius man on a certain day, not only him but also his friends may miss you. What he wants from a partner is that his friends respect and love her as well. Be open and comfortable around them, and they soon tell him how smart, passionate, and interesting you are.

Take advantage of his social connections to impress him.


That’s all for how to make a Sagittarius man obsessed with you!

In fact, when Sagittarius truly loves you, there’s no need to use tricks to win his heart. The moment you feel that he is completely obsessed with you, time for a "knock-out" to have him forever.

Be flirty when seeing that he has a crush on you showing that your current feelings are mutual. Then, let the guy flirt with you. It can be a bit time-consuming to get him yours, but he will not let you go once drunk in love.

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