8 Best Well-Known Psychics In The World – (Who Are They?)

Wonder who are the most famous psychics internationally?

Though the psychic industry has been around for decades, it is only starting to be globally accepted. Of course there are many psychic advisors that have practiced their abilities for a long time.

Some have left their name on the list of best psychics in the world.

If you are into the psychic reading realm, then you probably want to know the most notable and renown spiritual readers who have become inspirations for most of people.

You may feel skeptical, but they enable to benefit vulnerable individuals with their messages, guidance, and advice.

In this article, I’m going to present the 8 best psychics ever ? this includes only the prominent ones: some are living and some have passed away. Although they are from different countries, one thing in common about them is they are all legitimate psychics.

List of Top 8 Best Known Psychics

When it comes to the psychic field, you can easily find a large base of advisors to talk with, such as those trustworthy on Oranum. From the ones reputable, prominent, and well-known to those who are lesser known, they are now available for online contact.

If you are looking for the answer to such questions: ?Who are the best psychics in the world?? or ?What are the names of most famous psychics?? then you’ve visited the right place.

The following list includes a total of 8 notable psychic names ordered by their level of prominence.

Have a look:

1. Edgar Cayce (1877 – 1945)

Edgar Cayce (1877 - 1945)

Have you ever imagined that psychic readings could be done in the sleep state?

Well, that’s what Edgar Cayce did when he was living. Biographically, he was an incredible psychic medium gifted with the ability to answer questions regarding reincarnation, future events, or healing while in a trance.

Throughout his life, here are something notable about Edgar Cayce:

  • He was a Sunday school teacher and avid reader of the Bible
  • Over 40 years, he did 10.000+ readings discussing about various topics, such as past lives, physical well being, etc.
  • He is the most documented psychic of the 20th century

Talking about psychic readings, Edgar was definitely the pioneer. Despite his death, he is forever the best psychic reader over the globe. Visit edgarcayce.org if you want to learn more about this fascinating man.

2. John Edward

John Edward

Born and raised in New York, John reveals that he exhibited psychic abilities from an early age. The extraordinary gift allowed him to gain insight into his family history as well as events prior to his birth.

Since his family didn’t oppose his psychic phenomena, it was easy for him to flourish the abilities. However, only if he encountered psychic Lydia Clar, he finally realized and was aware what he has been possessing. After the meeting full of clarity, John Edward also thought of teaching people about the spirit realm.

His purpose is to shed light on different situations and help people get the genuine answer to their questions.

Aside from doing psychic readings, John Edward has internationally participated in a variety of talk shows, has become best sellers, and has created Evolve ? an online platform letting him connect with his audiences on a deeper level where he can encourage them to continue on their spiritual journeys personally.

For a more affordable reading, talk to psychic readers on Kasamba!

3. The Psychic Twins

The Psychic Twins

If anyone asks me: ?Who are the most accurate psychic advisors?? then my answer will be Psychic Twins (Terry and Linda Jamison).

The Jamison sisters become popular around the world for their incredible predictions. They are famous for predicting the 9/11 terrorist attacks when appearing on the live radio in 2000.

Check out some fun facts about Terry and Linda Jamison below:

  • Both of them possessed the psychic abilities since childhood and were featured in a popular documentary titled ?Psychic Children?
  • They made an appearance on Tyra Banks show ?ANTM? in 2009, and the video has received over 1.2 million views on Youtube

At the morning talk show ?The View?, the Psychic Twins said that some of people referred them as ?Nostradamus in stilettos?. Meanwhile, they also mentioned that they have been working with the Pentagon.

So far, they are the only documented psychic twins in the world.

4. Theresa Caputo

Theresa Caputo

You all know Theresa Caputo, right?

She is the Long Island Medium. Many can easily recognize her from a mile away thanks to her remarkable looks: poofy blonde hair, outlandish fingernails, and booming voice.

After the premiere of her long running TV show on TLC, she has become one of the most famous psychics nowadays. Besides, Theresa is also the author of several New York Times best-selling books, like Remarkable Stories, Insight about the Other Side, and There’s More to Life Than This: Healing Messages.

This psychic got the sense of the spirit realm at the age of 4 but was not aware of her ability until she turned to 20. The encounter with the spirit healer and teacher Pat Longo helped her get in touch with spirit’s energy and communicate with souls in heaven.

Theresa Caputo started practicing mediumship and already has had 10 years of experience in doing psychic reading so far.

You can get readings from this famous medium but it might take a very long time waiting. Why don’t you try out authentic sessions with best advisors on California Psychics?

5. James Van Praagh

James Van Praagh

Considered as a spiritual pioneer, James Van Praagh is also the most respected healing teacher these days. For the past 30 years, he has always kept a mindful awareness whenever it comes to the mediumship subject.

This psychic medium has a very good reputation in terms of psychic abilities.

Famous over the world, it’s not surprising that he is the author of many best-selling books discussing about the spirit world. Not yet, he has made the appearance on numerous public events, from TV and radio shows, website to seminars and classes.

He believes that social media outlets are amazing ways to share and open up about his incredible gift. You don’t have to sign up for his readings but still gain his messages and guidance by reading his books, for example.

You may also want to take a look at his Youtube channel as well.

6. Nostradamus (1503 – 1566)

Nostradamus (1503 - 1566)

This is the name that should not be left out of the list.

Truthfully, there are plenty of great names for best known psychics, but none of them can really give me the shock face as much as Nostradamus.

Who was he? Nostradamus was a wonderful astrologer who became famous for his fascinating predictions. The ridiculous thing is that he gained public recognition only after his death.

Aside from making prophecies, this seer had an extensive background in the medical field, according to his biography. Nostradamus came up with therapy helping people with the plague all over Europe. Years later, he was into meditation and was claimed to have visions of prophecy.

All of his predictions were written and believed to mention about some future events including:

  • The September 2011 terrorist attacks on the United States
  • The atomic bomb
  • The death of Princess Diana

7. John Holland

John Holland

No one in the family but John possesses psychic abilities.

He was born with an inner sense of knowing ? knowing that he was unique. As soon as realized his gift from the early ages, John has spent more than two years in England training and working with some talented, top-rated psychic mediums.

John Holland is a naturally gifted psychic medium.

After he went through a near-fatal accident, his unique skills were suddenly amplified and brought on the surface. This psychic medium believes that his job is not just helping people communicate with their loved ones; in fact, the purpose of a reading is to also encourage and empower one to find the right life path and reach the finish of their own spiritual journey.

In short, John Holland is an author, mentor and spiritual teacher who provides people a deeper understanding of their intuition.

8. Lisa Williams

Lisa Williams

Lisa was born with the ability of seeing spirits.

At first, she thought that she encountered with spirits of her friends and family; however, they soon told her how they died. The journey of her working as a full-time psychic advisor began with an accidental reading for her best company.

When spent time in the US, Lisa met Merv Griffin and from there she started appearing on psychic shows. To date, she still participates in many TV shows and events regularly throughout the world.

Not only a psychic medium, but Lisa Williams is also a spiritual teacher as well who’s in charge of helping others develop their own spiritual gifts.


The list above has given you the name of most well known psychics in the world.

For sure, you won’t have a chance receiving psychic readings for free from those as they are very popular and have no time for private sessions. Most of them just do the reading for a couple of audiences appearing on their shows.

So, I recommend you to spend time on reputable places offering psychic readings online.

Note: Actually, there are still numerous non-famous psychics offering readings, too! My favorites are psychics on Psychic Source. The network comes with a very cool and modern platform, plus their services are trustworthy and reliable.

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